
Excel shortcut keys 2015
Excel shortcut keys 2015

excel shortcut keys 2015

To-Do bar is automatically disabled in Outlook 2013. Use CTRL + PGDN or CTRL + PGUP to easily navigate through multiple worksheets.ĭouble click on Format Painter in order to apply the format to multiple cells. If you have thousands of rows of data, you can scroll but if you want to do it easily, use CTRL + Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys to go in the wanted direction.

  • Easy jumping to the Start and End of a column.
  • excel shortcut keys 2015

    Use this shortcut to display Formulas to easily identify and fix an issue with them. This will automatically sum all the cells above and display the sum in the current cell. Use CTRL + click to select a single sentence. If you triple click, you will select the paragraph. Pressing F4 will repeat your last command which is very useful when you have to do some action repeatedly.ĭouble click on a word and you will select only that word. This shortcut will allow you tho change the case of selected text. Use this shortcut to automatically return to the last edit point. Use this to insert an automatic page break. Use this shortcut to make your life easier. You would be amazed to know how many people still use manual page break by pressing Enter key repeatedly. Because these software tools are most commonly used on a daily basis, we have decided to give you a list of 15 useful tips and shortcuts that will save you time. Improving your skills in common software tools such as Excel, Word and Outlook can be a great way to start saving a few minutes here and there.

    excel shortcut keys 2015

    The best way to find that missing time is to save time. The only thing we all can agree on is that we do not have enough time to achieve everything. 15 time-saving tips and shortcuts in Word, Excel and Outlook

    Excel shortcut keys 2015